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Event Series:
Is your english getting rusty
Is your english getting rusty? Film im Originalton “Priscilla” mit anschl. englischsprachiger Gesprächsrunde
9. Februar 2024, 16:30 Uhr
If you would like to chat about anything in English for a while, and drink some tea or even coffee, then you are welcome to join us in the Kreml-Kulturhaus. Once a month we meet at the Kreml Café. Next time it will be on Friday, 9th of February and if you are lucky we will have some ginger biscuits too…! Here is the chance to watch ‘Priscilla‘ (USA 2023 / Regie: Sofia Coppola / 113 Min. / ab 12 J.). Afterwards we offer the opportunity to share your views!
FREITAG 9.2., 16.30 Uhr, Kinosaal/ Kleiner Kultursaal
Eintritt: 8,50 EUR
Info/Anmeldung: unter 06430-929724, Kreml